Research Article

Antler and Body Size in Black-Tailed Deer: An Analysis of Cohort Effects

Table 5

Model-averaged coefficients for antler size of black-tailed deer during 1980–1997 in Hopland, California, USA. Abbreviations of model parameters are as follows: Precip: total monthly precipitation; Temp: average monthly temperature; in_utero: the period while the male was in utero during the full gestation (October–April); D: the dry season (May–September); W: the wet season (October–April); grow: the first year of growth of the male (May–April) split into wet and dry seasons; Harv: the year prior to harvest of the male (October–September) split into wet and dry seasons; Treat: the treatment period (before: pretreatment, or after: the combined treatment and posttreatment); Int: the interaction term between precipitation and treatment period during the first year of growth or while in utero; Weight: body weight (dressed weight) corrected for age using the residuals. Bold values in the confidence interval (CI) column represent parameters that did not overlap zero.

Model parameterEstimate Std. errorAdjusted SE85% CI

(Intercept)17.92624.64584.65288.6492 to 27.2305
Tem_grow_W−0.41990.11760.1179−0.6577 to −0.1669
Harv_yr_T_D−0.58750.16610.1664−0.9168 to −0.2565
Harv_yr_T_W−0.07980.02530.0254−0.1305 to −0.0289
Weight0.12950.01070.01070.1080 to 0.1502
Tem_in_utero−0.20940.12720.1275−0.4677 to 0.0466
Treat_in_utero0.66830.28200.2827−0.1830 to 1.3319
Precip_grow_D0.00580.00290.0029−0.0015 to 0.0131
Treat_grow [after]1.31870.61420.6150−0.3815 to 2.6159
Precip_grow_W0.00010.00030.0003−0.0005 to 0.0007
Int_ treat_grow [after]_&_precip_W−0.00110.00040.0004−0.0019 to −0.0003
Harv_yr_P_W0.00030.00030.0003−0.0002 to 0.0009
Precip_in_utero−0.00010.00020.0002−0.0006 to 0.0003
Tem_grow_D−0.05690.14370.1441−0.3785 to 0.2415