Research Article

Response of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) to NPS Fertilizer Rates and Inter-Row Spacing in Kechi District, South Western Ethiopia

Table 1

Major soil characteristics of the experimental site.

Soil characteristicsValuesRatingReference

Particle size
 Sand (%)20
 Silt (%)44
 Clay (%)36
Textural classSilt clay loam
Soil pH5.6Moderately acidic (5.6–6.5)[24]
Organic carbon (%)2.79Low (2–4%)[25]
Total, N (%)0.28Medium (0.21–0.5%)[25]
Available P (mg/kg)19.12Low (15–30)[24]
Available K (mg/kg)365.51Optimum (190–600)[24]
Available S (mg/kg)4.82Very low (<10)[24]