Research Article

Magnitude of Thrombocytopenia and Associated Factors among Pregnant Women Attending the Antenatal Care Service Unit of Wachemo University Nigist Ellen Mohammed Comprehensive Specialized Hospital Hosanna, Southern Ethiopia

Table 4

Multivariate logistic regressions of selected factors associated with thrombocytopenia among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinics at Wachemo University Nigist Ellen Mohammed Comprehensive Specialized Hospital Hosanna, Southern Ethiopia, from June to August 30, 2022.

VariablesCategoriesThrombocytopeniaCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI) value
No (%)Yes (%)

ResidenceUrban113 (88.3%)15 (11.7%)1
Rural65 (80.2%)16 (19.9%)1.85 (0.86, 3.9)2.6 (1.02, 7.12)0.045

Educational statusIlliterate24 (88.9%)3 (11.1%)0.38 (0.09, 1.5)0.5 (0.08, 2.99)0.459
Primary school59 (84.3)11 (15.7)0.57 (0.22, 1.4)0.7 (0.19, 2.71)0.640
Secondary school61 (9%)6 (9%)0.10 (0.10, 0.8)0.40 (0.10, 1.64)0.207
College/university and above34 (75.6%)11 (24.4)1

Previous ANC follow-upYes85 (81.7%)19 (18.3%)1
No93 (88.6%)12 (11.4%)0.57 (0.26, 1.26)0.50 (0.19, 1.31)0.162

Eat meat and animal productYes156 (86.7)24 (13.3%)1
No22 (75.9%)7 (24.1%)2.06 (0.7, 5.3)0.34 (0.09, 1.12)0.09

Smoking cigar reteYes12 (66.7%)6 (33.3%)3.32 (1.1, 9.6)8.4 (1.86, 38)0.006
No166 (86.9%)25 (13.1%)1

Alcohol consumptionYes11 (50%)11 (50%)0.12 (0.4, 0.3)8.2 (2.17, 31)0.002
No167 (89.3%)20 (10.7%)1

Hemoglobin level<11 g/dl16 (53.3%)14 (46.7%)8.33 (3.4, 19.9)8.3 (2.7, 25.6)<0.001
≥11 g/dl162 (90.5%)17 (9.5%)1

MUAC<23 cm94 (82.5%)20 (17.5%)1.62 (0.7, 3.58)2.03 (0.72, 5.7)0.23
≥23 cm84 (88.4%)11 (11.6%)1

History of malariaYes19 (76%)6 (24%)2.0 (0.73, 5.51)1.3 (0.34, 4.8)0.697
No159 (86.4%)25 (13.6%)1

1.0 = Referent category, statistically associated value <0.05, COR = crude odd ratio, AOR = adjusted odd ratio.