Research Article

Comparison of the Spatiotemporal Variability of Temperature, Precipitation, and Maximum Daily Spring Flows in Two Watersheds in Quebec Characterized by Different Land Use

Table 3

Correlation coefficients calculated between hydroclimate variables measured in the two watersheds.

Variables Coefficients of correlation

Maxf (°C)−0.0507
Maxw (°C)0.7324
Maxs (°C)0.7782
minf (°C)0.0690
minw (°C)0.6836
mins (°C)0.7635
TSF (mm)0.2867
STR (mm)0.6826
TP (mm)0.3312
SMF (L/s/km2)0.7560
STF (L/s/km2)0.5919

Statistically significant coefficient of correlation values at the 5% level are shown in bold.