Research Article

Impact of Continuous Cropping on the Diurnal Range of Dew Point Temperature during the Foliar Expansion Period of Annual Crops on the Canadian Prairies

Figure 2

Decadal average diurnal cycles of dew point temperatures for the average foliar expansion period for annual field crops (DOY ~165–195) for (a) Winnipeg (subhumid climatic zone) and for (b) Estevan (semiarid climatic zone). (c) and (d) show the hourly percentage of daily precipitation events for the foliar expansion period for (c) Winnipeg and (d) Estevan. Upward arrows show local standard time (LST) for sunrise (SR) and sunset (SS). The province of Saskatchewan does not follow day light savings time; therefore LST in Estevan was adjusted by adding one hour for comparison with Winnipeg.