Research Article

A Model for Monitoring Spontaneously Reported Medication Errors Using the Adjuvanted Recombinant Zoster Vaccine as an Example

Table 2

Example of table with reported medication errors by MedDRA® HLT and PT for the category medication without harm.

MedDRA® HLTMedDRA® PTPeriodaTotalb

Accidental exposure to productAccidental exposure to product20201

Complications associated with device NECInjury associated with device19

Device physical property and chemical issuesNeedle issue013
Syringe issue027

Medication errors, product use errors and issues NECCircumstance or information capable of leading to medication error22
Medication error02
Product use in unapproved indication01
Product use issue01
Vaccination error0296
Wrong technique in device usage process03
Wrong technique in product usage process843

Occupational exposuresOccupational exposure to product1140

Overdoses NECOverdose215

Pathways and sources of exposureExposure via eye contact435
Exposure via skin contact31215

Product administration errors and issuesAccidental overdose09
Accidental underdose54308
Contraindicated product administered11
Expired product administered1821
Extra dose administered83338
Inappropriate schedule of product administration3762016
Incomplete course of vaccination12904025
Incorrect dose administered1991951
Incorrect route of product administration49675
Product administered at inappropriate site849
Product administered to patient of inappropriate age41218
Product administration error517
Wrong product administered1068

Product confusion errors and issuesProduct label confusion04
Product name confusion01
Product packaging confusion04

Product dispensing errors and issuesProduct dispensing error214

Product label issuesProduct label issue12

Product monitoring errors and issuesLabelled drug-disease interaction medication error11

Product packaging issuesProduct packaging issue06

Product preparation errors and issuesProduct preparation error37737
Product preparation issue1611283

Product prescribing errors and issuesContraindicated product prescribed11
Product prescribing error1876

Product storage errors and issues in the product use systemProduct storage error65680

Therapeutic procedures NECInterchange of vaccine products01

Underdoses NECUnderdose539

Grand totalc218910504

HLT, high-level term; MedDRA®, medical dictionary for regulatory activities; NEC, not elsewhere classified; PT, preferred term. aData for a chosen period. bData from entry of the first case in the database until date of database freezing. cTotal number of distinct cases; may not correspond to the sum per event reported in the table as different MedDRA® PTs may be reported in the same case.