Research Article

Magnitude and Predictors of Dietary Diversity among HIV-Infected Adults on Antiretroviral Therapy: The Case of North-Western, Ghana

Table 3

Predictors of dietary diversity among adults on antiretroviral therapy.

VariableCategoriesClassification of IDDSCOR (95% CI)AOR (95% CI)
Low N (%)High N (%)

On cotrimoxazole prophylaxis?Yes223 (87.5)32 (12.5)ReferenceReference
No10 (71.4)4 (28.6)2.79 (0.83–9.42)3.76 (1.02–14.37)

Educational levelNone170 (88.1)23 (11.9)ReferenceReference
Low (primary and JHS)53 (86.9)8 (13.1)1.12 (0.47–2.64)1.15 (0.56–2.74)
High (at least SHS)10 (66.7)5 (33.3)3.70 (1.16–11.77)2.86 (1.36–12.01)

Occupation statusUnemployed12 (92.3)1 (7.7)ReferenceReference
Farmer187 (91.7)17 (8.3)1.09 (0.13–8.91)1.78 (0.18–18.04)
Nonfarmer employment34 (65.4)18 (34.6)6.35 (0.76–52.85)10.76 (1.03–112.35)

Age (years)18–278 (66.7)4 (33.3)4.33 (1.09–17.30)5.95 (1.18–30.07)
28–3762 (89.9)7 (10.1)0.98 (0.35–2.78)1.17 (0.39–3.55)
38–4785 (84.2)16 (15.8)1.63 (0.68–3.90)1.58 (0.63–3.99)
>4878 (89.7)9 (10.3)ReferenceReference

Bold values represent significance at p value <0.05. p value <0.05. ∗∗p value <0.01.