Research Article

How Sex of Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Access to Treatment Services Relates to Parental Stress

Table 1

Descriptive statistics.

Total sample percentage or mean (SD)Boys percentage or mean (SD)Girls percentage or mean (SD) (df = 1) or (df = 116) (Levine’s test for equality of variances)

Child gender (% male)78%
Child age (in years)5.36 (3.34)4.97 (3.10)6.67 (3.83)2.333.90
Percent Hispanica30.3%27.7%38.5%1.08
Child race (% minority)58.3%64.0%38.5%11.62
Family income (% <$ 50 k)b23.0%24.6%21.4%3.64
Speech services (% yes)48.7%51.7%38.5%1.41
School services (% yes)13.9%11.2%23.1%2.36
Regional Center services (% yes)23.5%25.8%15.4%1.23
Mental health services (% yes)45.2%44.9%46.2%0.01
Total services1.30 (1.06)1.33 (1.05)1.23 (1.11)−0.400.62
PSI difficult child32.95 (9.89)31.74 (8.83)37.08 (12.19)2.087.37
PSI parent-child dysfunctional relationship25.17 (7.69)24.07 (7.17)28.92 (8.35)2.933.47
PSI parent distress25.66 (8.54)25.17 (8.02)27.35 (10.09)1.151.82
PSI total score87.82 (23.14)86.60 (21.54)92.00 (28.03)1.103.90
ADOS social-communication composite52.21 (22.73)53.76 (21.78)46.88 (25.47)−1.360.94

< 0.10.. .
Note: = 27 girls, 89 boys except where otherwise noted.
= 27 girls, 83 boys; 6 participants did not report ethnicity.
= 15 girls, 57 boys; 44 participants did not report income.