Research Article

Frequency Specific Effects of ApoE ε4 Allele on Resting-State Networks in Nondemented Elders

Table 2

Regions and MNI coordinates of the DMN and SN.

ROIMNI coordinates

Default mode network
Posterior cingulate cortex (PCC)(0, −51, 29)
Medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC)(0, 61, 22)
Left lateral parietal (lLP)(−48, −66, 34)
Right lateral parietal (rLP)(53, −61, 35)
Left inferior temporal (liTmp)(−65, −22, −9)
Right inferior temporal (riTmp)(61, −21, −12)
Medial thalamus (mdThal)(0, −9, 7)
Left posterior cerebellum (lpCBLM)(−28, −82, −32)
Right posterior cerebellum (rpCBLM)(26, −89, −34)
Salience network
Right anterior cingulate cortex (rPG-ACC)(12, 32, 30)
Left anterior cingulate cortex (lPG-ACC)(−13, 34, 16)
Right ventral anterior cingulate cortex (rSG-ACC)(10, 34, −6)
Putamen (Put)(−19, 3, 9)
Left insula (lIns)(−42, 6, 4)
Right insula (rIns)(43, 7, 2)