Research Article

DCAF12 and HSPA1A May Serve as Potential Diagnostic Biomarkers for Myasthenia Gravis

Figure 3

ssGSEA enrichment and WGCNA result overview. (a) Box plots of infiltrating immune cells. The -axis represents the types of immune cells that are significantly and differentially expressed between the normal and MG groups. The -axis represents the ssGSEA enrichment score. Blue and yellow indicate normal samples and MG samples, respectively. (b) Soft threshold screening plot. The soft power of was selected as the soft threshold for subsequent analyses. (c) Hierarchical clustering tree. The upper part of this figure represents the clustering of genes. The lower part represents the gene modules, which make up 19 modules. Gray represents genes that have not been classified into modules. (d) Heatmap of the correlation between the module eigengenes and clinical traits of MG. Each row represents a different gene module, and each column is a representative trait. The value in the box represents the correlation and the value. Red represents positive correlation, and blue represents negative correlation. (e) Scatter plot of gene significance for CD56bright natural killer cells and MM correlation analysis in the turquoise module.