Case Report

A Rare 46,X,t(Y;10)(q12;p14) Balanced Translocation in Non-Obstructive Azoospermic Patient with Elevated FSH and LH Levels

Table 1

Reciprocal translocations between Y chromosome and chromosome 10 reported in literature.

ReferenceKaryotypeConditions associated with gonads and fertility

Pajares IL, 197946,X,t(Y;10)(q12;p13)Azoospermia, with arrest at metaphase I

Dallapiccola B, 197946,X,t(Y;10)(p11;p12)Cryptorchidism and hypoplastic scrotum (28 months old with mental retardation)

Vialard F, 200946,X,t(Y;10)(q11.2;p15.2)Fertile, with moderate asthenospermia and severe teratospermia