Case Report

Incidental Detection of a Rare Pediatric High-Grade Fibrosarcoma in a Post-traumatic Setting: The Conundrum of Intra-Abdominal Hematoma versus Neoplasia

Figure 3

Follow-up noncontrast MRI 18 hours after the initial MRI study. Axial T2-weighted image shows an anterior shift in position of the lesion which remains heterogenous with predominantly hyperintense signal (arrow in (a)). There are no new areas of significant signal loss to suggest deoxyhemoglobin formation. Corresponding axial T1 fat sat image shows no retention or layering of contrast from the prior contrast-enhanced MRI exam (arrow in (b)). There remains no evidence of hyperintense signal to suggest methemoglobin formation. Note residual contrast enhancement of the liver, pancreas, and kidneys (asterisks in (b)).