Research Article

Associations between β-Blocker Therapy at Discharge and Long-Term Follow-Up Outcomes in Patients with Unstable Angina Pectoris

Table 6

Multivariate Cox regression analysis of secondary endpoints in propensity score matching patients.

HR (95% CI) valueAB
HR (95% CI) valueHR (95% CI) value

Age (years)1.08 (1.06, 1.10)<0.0011.07 (1.05, 1.09)<0.0011.06 (1.04, 1.07)<0.001
Male (%)0.85 (0.63, 1.17)0.320
Stroke (%)1.90 (1.35, 2.68)<0.0011.47 (1.08, 1.98)0.014
Heart rate (bpm)1.02 (1.01, 1.03)<0.0011.02 (1.01, 1.03)0.0011.01 (1.00, 1.02)0.030
hsCRP (mg/L)1.02 (1.00, 1.05)0.031
HbA1C (%)1.15 (1.04, 1.28)0.0081.19 (1.08, 1.30)<0.001
LVEF ≥ 50%RefRefRef
40% ≤ LVEF < 50%2.93 (1.59, 5.41)0.0012.23 (1.19, 4.16)0.0121.89 (1.07, 3.34)0.029
LVEF < 40%1.30 (0.32, 5.24)0.7141.19 (0.29, 4.87)0.8140.87 (0.21, 3.54)0.845
LM (%)2.47 (1.70, 3.61)<0.0011.62 (1.09, 2.39)0.0161.52 (1.08, 2.16)0.017
Multivessels (%)3.78 (2.05, 6.97)<0.001260 (1.39, 4.85)0.0032.22 (1.34, 3.69)0.002
CTO (%)2.42 (1.64, 3.58)<0.0011.71 (1.13, 2.57)0.010
β-Blockers at discharge (%)1.40 (1.03, 1.91)0.033

A, present all-cause death/HF; B, present all-cause death/HF/nonfatal MI. MI, myocardial infarction; HbAIC, glycosylated hemoglobin; hsCRP, hypersensitivity C-reactive protein; LVEF, left ventricular ejection fraction; LM, left main trunk; CTO, chronic total occlusions.