Research Article

Prevalence and Associated Factors of Poststroke Depression among Outpatient Stroke Patients Who Have a Follow-Up at the Outpatient Neurology Clinic of Zewditu Memorial Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Table 3

Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression of factors associated with PSD at the outpatient neurology clinic of Zewditu Memorial Hospital in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (total ).

VariablesCategoriesDepressed (%)Nondepressed (%)Crude odds ratio 95% CIAdjusted odds ratio 95% CI

GenderMale28 (20.28)110 (79.7)0.407 (0.225-0.736)0.425 (0.1919, 0.944)
Female35 (38.46)56 (61.5)1.0
Employment statusEmployed7 (13.7)44 (86.3)0.85 (1.223-6.805)0.938 (0.266, 3.312)
Unemployed48 (37.2)81 (62.8)3.037 (1.314-7.017)2.875 (1.001-8.189)
Retired8 (16.3)41 (83.7)1.0
DMYes19 (40.4)28 (59.6)2.128 (1.084-4.177)2.14 (0.889-5.088)
No44 (24.1)138 (75.9)1.0
Post stroke duration≤24 months15 (25.9)43 (74.1)3.199 (1.556-6.576)5.34 (2.157-13.285)
>24 months11 (14.1)67 (85.9)1.0
Living aloneYes12 (54.5)10 (45.5)3.671 (1.497-8.999)1.782 (0.620-5.119)
No51 (24.6)156 (75.4)1.0
Social supportHigh support18 (12.5)126 (87.5)1.0
Low & moderate support45 (52.9)40 (47)7.875 (4.102-15.117)11.6 (5.040-25.153)

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