Research Article

The Possible Neuronal Mechanism of Acupuncture: Morphological Evidence of the Neuronal Connection between Groin A-Shi Point and Uterus

Figure 5

Double-labeled neurons of Fos expression and PrV infection ( ). Fos expression neurons ((a), red, arrow) in the PVN (a1), NTS ((a2), (a3)), and DMX ((a2), (a4)). PrV-infected neurons ((b), green, arrow) in the PVN (b1), NTS ((b2), (b3)), and DMX ((b2), (b4)). Merged double labeling Fos expression and PrV-infected neurons ((c), yellow, arrow) in the PVN (c1), NTS ((c2), (c3)), and DMX ((c2), (c4)) (scale bar: 1000 um). (d) The percentage of double labeled neurons in PVN, DMX, and NTS between saline and bee venom injection groups ( ).