Research Article

Evaluation of the Clinical Effects and Frequency of MEFV Gene Mutation in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Table 2

(a) FMF-related mutation frequency in the MEFV gene

MutationControls ()CD ()UC ()

Absent (, %)51 (85)33 (73.3)47 (85.5)
Present (, %)9 (15)12 (26.7)8 (14.5)

CD: Crohn’s disease; UC: ulcerative colitis; FMF: Familial Mediterranean Fever; MEFV: Mediterranean Fever gene.
(b) Frequency of mutation types

Mutation typeUC, (%)CD, (%)Controls, (%)

Heterozygous for one8 (100)8 (66.8)9
E148Q/w4 (50)2 (17)3
M694V/w1 (12.5)3 (25)3
R761H/w01 (8.3)0
V726A/w1 (12.5)00
M680I/w01 (8.3)3
K695R/w1 (12.5)1 (8.3)0
R628K/w1 (12.5)00
Homozygous for one02 (16.6)0
M694V/M694V01 (8.3)0
M694I/M694I01 (8.3)0
Compound heterozygous02 (16.6)0
M694V/V726A01 (8.3)0
M680I/V726A01 (8.3)0

W: wild type; CD: Crohn’s disease; UC: ulcerative colitis.