Review Article

An Updated Meta-analysis: Similar Clinical Efficacy of Anterior and Posterior Approaches in Peroral Endoscopic Myotomy (POEM) for Achalasia

Table 4

Summary of the results in direct comparison.

OutcomeEffective size (95% CI; ; ) value

LES pressures (mmHg)WMD: -1.56 (-3.90, 0.78; ; 0.00%)0.19
POEM EckardtWMD: 0.08 (-0.28, 0.44; ; 0.00%)0.66
Clinical success at 12 monthslnOR: 0.03 (-0.67, 0.74; ; 0.00%)0.92
Procedure time (min)WMD: 3.41 (-1.14, 7.95; ; 0.00%)0.14
Length of total myotomy (cm)WMD: 0.36 (-0.60, 1.31; ; 67.41%)0.46
Hospital stays (day)WMD: -0.24 (-0.55, 0.07; ; 30.85%)0.13
GERD by EGDlnOR: -0.12 (-0.55, 0.31; ; 0.00%)0.59
Adverse eventslnOR: 0.33 (-0.53, 1.18; ; 0.00%)0.46