Research Article

A Clinic-Radiomics Model for Predicting the Incidence of Persistent Organ Failure in Patients with Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis

Table 1

Clinical characteristics.

Development cohort ()Validation cohort ()-value

Age, years0.629
 Male84 (67.2)40 (75.5)
 Female41 (32.8)13 (24.5)
BMI, kg/m20.583
 ≥25.073 (58.4)34 (64.2)
 <25.052 (41.6)19 (35.8)
ASA grade0.065
 ≥III37 (29.6)24 (45.3)
 <III88 (70.4)29 (54.7)
 Hyperlipidemia47 (37.6)24 (45.3)
 Biliary56 (44.8)24 (45.3)
 Others22 (17.6)5 (9.4)
Past history of AP0.223
 Present34 (27.2)20 (37.7)
 Absent91 (72.8)33 (62.3)
APACHE II, points0.203
57 (45.6)18 (33.9)
68 (54.4)35 (66.1)
Persistent SIRS0.130
 Present76 (60.8)25 (47.2)
 Absent49 (39.2)28 (52.8)
Persistent OF0.407
 Present75 (60.0)36 (67.9)
 Absent50 (40.0)17 (32.1)
 Present42 (33.6)20 (37.7)
 Absent83 (66.4)33 (62.3)
Infected necrosis0.656
 Present32 (25.6)16 (30.2)
 Absent93 (74.4)37 (69.8)
Mechanical ventilation0.951
 Present40 (32.0)16 (30.2)
 Absent85 (68.0)37 (69.8)
ICU admission0.347
 Present84 (67.2)31 (58.5)
 Absent41 (32.8)22 (41.5)
Hospital stay (over 30 days)0.721
 Present42 (33.6)20 (37.7)
 Absent83 (66.4)33 (62.3)
 Present10 (8.0)3 (5.7)
 Absent115 (92.0)50 (94.3)

Data are presented as median with range or number with percentage. BMI, body mass index; ASA, American Society of Anesthesiologists; AP, acute pancreatitis; APACHE, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation; SIRS, systemic inflammatory response syndrome; OF, organ failure; ICU, intensive care unit.