Research Article

Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Threatened Abortion in Women from Northern Peru

Table 1

Characteristics of pregnant women attended in a hospital in Lambayeque, Peru.

Characteristics (%)

Area of residence
 Rural122 (56.0)
 Urban96 (44.0)
Age (years)
Number of pregnancies2 (1-10)
History of threatened abortion
 No168 (77.1)
 Yes50 (22.9)
Family history of abortion
 No153 (86.0)
 Yes25 (14.0)
Drinking water consumption
 No136 (62.4)
 Yes82 (37.6)
Consumption of raw vegetables
 No22 (10.1)
 Yes196 (89.9)
History of urinary tract infection
 No162 (88.5)
 Yes21 (11.5)
T. gondii seropositivity††
 No140 (64.2)
 Yes78 (35.8)
Threatened abortion in current pregnancy
 No157 (85.3)
 Yes27 (14.7)

deviation. Median (minimum value to maximum value). Some values do not add up to 218 due to missing data. ††T. gondii seropositivity includes either an IgM- or IgG-positive ELISA test.