Research Article

Toxoplasma gondii Infection and Threatened Abortion in Women from Northern Peru

Table 2

T. gondii seropositivity and other factors associated with threatened abortion in pregnant women, bivariate analysis.

VariablesThreatened abortion value
No ()Yes ()
(%) (%)

Area of residence0.017
 Rural107 (89.9)12 (10.1)
 Urban50 (76.9)15 (23.1)
Age (years)¶‡0.565
Number of pregnancies†§‡‡2 (1-10)2 (1-7)0.827
History of threatened abortion<0.001
 No130 (90.9)13 (9.1)
 Yes27 (65.9)14 (34.2)
Family history of abortion0.144
 No131 (86.2)21 (13.8)
 Yes24 (96.0)1 (4.0)
Drinking water consumption0.628
 No97 (84.4)18 (15.7)
 Yes60 (87.0)9 (13.0)
Consumption of raw vegetables0.064
 No11 (68.8)5 (31.3)
 Yes146 (86.9)22 (13.1)
History of urinary tract infection during pregnancy0.031
 No143 (88.8)18 (11.2)
 Yes14 (70.0)6 (30.0)
T. gondii seropositivity0.131
 No105 (88.2)14 (11.8)
 Yes52 (80.0)13 (20.0)

Mean and standard deviation. ‡‡Median (minimum value to maximum value). Some values do not add up to 218 due to missing data. values calculated with test for independence. values calculated with Fisher’s exact test. value calculated with Student’s -test for constant variances. § value calculated with Mann–Whitney test.