Research Article

Standardization and Quality Control of the Herbal Medicine Mist Nibima, Employed to Treat Malaria and COVID-19, Using Physicochemical and Organoleptic Parameters and Quantification of Chemical Markers via UHPLC-MS/MS

Table 4

Concentration, RT, transition, and area of cryptolepine obtained in three batches of Mist Nibima and the blank.

Sample labelRTTransitionAreaHeightFinal conc. (µ/mL)

NB.1A 200109.736233.3167476917902612617
NB.1B 200109.744233.3171346787903110217
NB.2A 200119.746233.3167070077896751817
NB.2B 200119.741233.3165832143894425317
NB.3A 200129.739233.3165832143896863817
NB.3B 200129.744233.3158318774882259816
Blank9.736233.3None detected