Research Article

Amalgamation and Optimization of FAEE Biodiesel Fuel from Croton macrostachyus hochst. ex Delile Seed oil Utilizing Solid Calcium Oxide-Chicken Eggshell Squander as a Heterogeneous Catalyst

Table 2

Summary of physicochemical properties of C. M. seed oil with another feedstock [22].

No.Physicochemical propertyUnitsC. M. seed oil (present study)Waste cooking oil∗∗Castor oil∗∗∗Jatropha curcas oil

2Kinematic viscositymm2/s42.3749.9340.3949.93
3Acid valuemgKOH/g2.362.43.43.38
4Free fatty acid%
C.M. seed oil%46.8535–4035–40
5Saponification valuemgKOH/g198.03199198.63193.55
6Moisture content%1.68
7Ash content%0.73
8Iodine valuegI2/100 g64.0736520.3–93.9

∗∗∗Adopted from [19]. ∗∗Adopted from [23]. Adopted from [24].