Research Article

Amalgamation and Optimization of FAEE Biodiesel Fuel from Croton macrostachyus hochst. ex Delile Seed oil Utilizing Solid Calcium Oxide-Chicken Eggshell Squander as a Heterogeneous Catalyst

Table 3

Summary of physicochemical properties of C.M. seed oil-based biodiesel with standards [30].

PropertyC. M. biodiesel (this study)UnitWCO biodieselASTMD 6751Test methods

Density at 20°C878Kg/m3885875–900ASTMD 4052
Moisture content0.047%<0.05EN ISO12937
Kinematic viscosity at 40°C3.54mm2/s41.9–6ASTM D 445
Acid value0.87mgKOH/g oil0.62≤0.9ASTM D664
FFA composition0.435%ASTM D664
Saponification number120mgKOH/g oil200190–230ASTMD5558
Calorific value40.2MJ/kg4140–42ASTM D 240
Iodine value102.1gI2/100g103.8EN 14111
Flashpoint198160130ASTM D 93
Ash content0.023%0.02ASTM D 482
Cetane number565647ASTM D976