Review Article

The Contributive Role of IGFBP-3 and Mitochondria in Synoviocyte-Induced Osteoarthritis through Hypoxia/Reoxygenation Injury: A Pathogenesis-Focused Literature Review

Table 2

Major histopathological features of the four patterns of OA-associated synoviopathy in comparison to each other and to normal synovium (adapted from Oehler et al. [38]).

NormalHyperplastic synoviopathyInflammatory synoviopathyFibrotic synoviopathyDetritus-rich synoviopathy

Villous hyperplasia++(+)++(+)++(+)++(+)
Synovial lining—proliferation+++++++(+)
Synovial lining—activation+++++
Fibrinous exudate(+)+++(+)
Capsular fibrosis(+)++++++
(Macromolecular) cartilage and bone debris(+)+++
Granulocytic infiltrate+
Lymphoplasmocellular infiltrate—diffuse++(+)+(+)
Lymphoplasmocellular infiltrate—aggregates/follicles++(+)(+)
Stage of the diseaseEarly stageEarly and late stageLate stageLate stage

Note: −: negative; +: positive; ++: moderate; +++: excessive; (+): activated. Bold data indicate key diagnostic criteria.