Research Article

Effect of Adhesive Resin as a Modeling Liquid on Elution of Resin Composite Restorations

Table 5

Multiple comparison of mean variables by adhesive (control, gn5, gn6, and wt).


Control-gn5Mann–Whitney 103.00086.000
Asymp. sig.0.3460.113
Exact sig.0.3610.119

Control-gn6Mann–Whitney 52.00095.500
Asymp. sig.0.0040.221
Exact sig0.0030.224

Control-wtMann–Whitney 82.00011.000
Asymp. sig.0.0830.000
Exact sig.0.0860.000

gn5-gn6Mann–Whitney 64.00067.000
Asymp. sig0.0160.021
Exact sig.0.0150.021

gn5-wtMann–Whitney 127.00034.000
Asymp. sig.0.9700.000
Exact sig0.9850.000

gn6-wtMann–Whitney 101.00012.500
Asymp. sig.0.3090.000
Exact sig.0.3230.000