International Journal of Dentistry

Current CAD/CAM Research in Dentistry

Publishing date
01 Sep 2022
Submission deadline
06 May 2022

Lead Editor

1Shandong First Medical University, Tai'an, China

2Korea University Guro Hospital, Seoul, Republic of Korea

3Yonsei University College of Dentistry, Seoul, Republic of Korea

This issue is now closed for submissions.

Current CAD/CAM Research in Dentistry

This issue is now closed for submissions.


With the exposure of defects in traditional technology and the popularization of advanced digital technologies, computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) have become widely used in the field of dentistry. The technology, which is used in both the dental laboratory and the dental office, can be applied to inlays, onlays, veneers, crowns, fixed partial dentures, implant abutments, and even full-mouth reconstruction. It does offer a more streamlined and efficient means of treatment planning and delivery of care through reduced chairside time, with reported improved patient satisfaction.

CAD/CAM systems are based on three basic functional components: firstly, data capture or scanning to obtain the oral information; secondly, CAD for the geometric design of the restoration; and thirdly, CAM for manufacturing the restoration using computer-assisted information to shape a physical object, which involves 3D printing and milling. The applications of 3D printing in dentistry can assist in providing patients with lower cost and more personalized services and simplify the complex workflow related to the production of dental appliances. CAD/CAM systems have begun a new era in the field of dental prostheses. The use of CAD/CAM technology for dental restorations has numerous advantages over traditional techniques, including speed, ease of use, and quality. The quality of CAD/CAM restorations is extremely high because measurements and fabrication are so precise. However, it still needs to be further investigated. The process of scanning, computer design, and manufacturing decide the accuracy of the prosthesis. Therefore, we continue to strive to improve the design and manufacture of the highest quality prostheses.

In this Special Issue, we aim to discuss the latest findings analyzing scanning and CAD/CAM technology and their applications in dental science. We also wish to discuss CAD/CAM analysis methodology and related issues in the fields of physics, material science, and advanced technologies. This Special Issue will serve as a platform for researchers to publish their latest original research, clinical findings, and review articles.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Intraoral and extraoral scanning of patients
  • The design of different types of prosthesis
  • Advancements in 3D printing methods and technologies for use in dentistry
  • Advancements milling methods and technologies for use in dentistry
  • The materials used in computer-aided manufacturing for use in dentistry
International Journal of Dentistry
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate15%
Submission to final decision123 days
Acceptance to publication21 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.790
Impact Factor2.1
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