Research Article

Spatial Variations in Aquatic Insect Community Structure in the Winam Gulf of Lake Victoria, Kenya

Figure 5

(a–f) Abundance distribution model with the rank on x axis against abundance on the y axis of aquatic insects per sampling station. The stations are abbreviated as follows: nder: Ndere Island; mab: Maboko Island; fish: fish landing beaches; hom: Homa Bay; ken: Kendu Bay; kis: Kisumu bay. The aquatic insects are abbreviated as (A) Mbor: Microvelia borealis; (B) Galt: Gillis altilis; (C) Amor: A. merman; (D) Cor: Corixi sp.; (E) Pbru: Paraplea brunni; (F) Able: Ablebesmyia sp.; (G) Chiro: Chironomus sp.; (H) Hab: Habrophlebia sp.; (I) Pvil: Pentagenia viltigera; (J) Bcal: etis carolina; (K).Cmoe: C. moesta; (L) Poly: Polycentropus sp.; (M) Seri: Sericostomatidae sp.; (N) Brau: Brauchycentridae sp.; (O) Psep: Psepheaus sp; (P) Hydro: Hydrophyllus sp; (Q) Avir: Agrion virgo. The diversity indices were calculated using P.A.S.T version 4.03 statistical tool.