Research Article

Electrooxidation and Development of a Highly Sensitive Electrochemical Probe for Trace Determination of the Steroid 11-Desoxycorticosterone Drug Residues in Water

Table 1

Comparison between the analytical features of the established DP-ASV and some of the published chromatographic and electrochemical methods.

TechniqueLDR (ng mL−1)LOD (ng mL−1)SampleFound level (ng mL−1)Ref

UHPLC–MS/MS1Mice blood2247
LC/MC3 × 10−3Bird’s feather0.348
GC/MS0.001–100.1Mouse plasma17.66 ± 9.5649
Sweeping-MEKC10–10005Mouse plasma4350
DP-ASV-GCE0.83–4.360.73Tap water0.87 ± 0.128Present work

Sweeping-MEKC = sweeping-micellar electrokinetic chromatography.