Research Article

Microbiological Analysis and Content of Heavy Metals in Different Candies, Chocolates, and Their Wrappers in Bangladesh

Table 1

Given codes of tested chocolates, candies, and litchis.

Brand codeLocal (L)/imported (I)/locally manufactured international brand (IL)Candy (C)/chocolate (Ch)/litchi (Li)Number of samples analyzedBrand codeLocal (L)/imported (I)/locally manufactured international brand (IL)Candy (C)/chocolate (Ch)/litchi (Li)Number of samples analyzed

S1LC (h)25S21ILC (h)25
S2LC (h)25S22ILC (h)25
S3LC (h)25S23ILC (h)25
S4LC (t)25S24LLi09
S5IC (t)25S25LLi09
S6LC (h)25S26LLi09
S7LC (t)25S27ICh25
S8LC (t)25S28LCh25
S9ILC (t)25S29LC (h)25
S10LC (h)25S30LCh25
S11ILC (h)25S31ICh25
S12LC (h)25S32LC (h)25
S13ILC (h)25S33LC (h)25
S14LCh25S34LC (h)25
S15IC (h)25S35LCh25
S16LC (h)25S36LCh25
S17ILC (h)25S37LCh25
S18ILC (h)25S38LC (h)25
S19LC (h)25S39LCh25
S20LC (h)25

(h) = hard candy, (t) = toffee.