Research Article

Findings of Cardiovascular Workup of Kidney Transplant Candidates: A Retrospective Study of a Single-Center in Saudi Arabia

Table 2

Dialysis vintage and ABO blood groups.

ā€‰TotalMedian (interquartile range) (years)DeceasedMedian (interquartile range) (years)LivingMedian (interquartile range) (years) value

O120 (47.2%)2 (1 to 4)174 (2.5 to 6.5)1032 (1 to 3)0.002
A75 (29.5%)1 (1 to 3)153 (1 to 5)601 (1 to 2)0.011
B63 (24.8%)3 (1 to 7)167 (3 to 10)472 (1 to 4)0.002
AB17 (6.6%)2 (1 to 4.5)74 (1 to 5)101 (1 to 2.25)0.070