Research Article

Immunophenotypic Characterization of Citrate-Containing A Concentrates in Maintenance Hemodialysis: A Pre-Post Study

Figure 1

Alterations of clinical biomarkers before and after undergoing citrate-acidified A concentrates for three months. Histograms represent the mean with the standard error of mean. (a): C-reactive protein (patients: acetate, n = 59; citrate: n = 60), (b): IL-6 (patients: acetate, n = 58; citrate: n = 58), (c): neutrophils (patients: acetate, n = 60; citrate: n = 61), (d): lymphocytes (patients: acetate, n = 61; citrate: n = 61), (e): neutrophils/lymphocytes (patients: acetate, n = 60; citrate: n = 61), (f): hemoglobin (patients: acetate, n = 59; citrate: n = 60), (g): magnesium (patients: acetate, n = 61; citrate: n = 59), and (h): calcium (patients: acetate, n = 61; citrate: n = 59).  = 0.05 was considered significant due to the exploratory design of the study.