Research Article

Peer Learning Has Double Effects in Clinical Research Education: A Qualitative Study

Figure 2

Label generation in the clinical research peer learning using the activity theory [16] framework by EngestrÓ§m. In the context of the peer learning in the current clinical research seminar situation, the small triangle of activity theory was supposed to correspond to individual research activity and the large triangle to the peer-learning scene in the seminar. Therefore, each activity theory framework category and each corresponding label (separated by a colon) were generated as follows: outcome: research result; subject: clinical research beginner; object: clinical question (CQ)/research question (RQ); instrument: research design; community: seminar; rule: rule in seminar; division of labor: roles of participants and staff. This conceptual framework meant that each clinical research beginner (subject) carried out clinical research activities on CQ/RQ (object) using research designs (instrument) to bear research results (outcome) and the seminar (community) collaborated in these clinical research activities under rules in seminar (rule) and each role of participant and staff (division of labor). CQ: clinical question; RQ: research question.