Research Article

Antiepileptic Effects of Lacosamide Loaded Polymers Implanted Subdurally in GAERS

Table 1

Postoperative health monitoring chart. For a minimum of three days after surgery and until full recovery from the surgery, the rats were monitored for weight loss once a day and for mobility and grooming twice a day. For each day a debilitation score was calculated by cumulating the highest grooming and mobility scores with the weight loss score. A debilitation score of 0, 1 to 3, 4 to 6, and 7 to 9 meant that the rat health was not affected, middle affected, moderately affected, and severely affected by the surgery/polymer implantation, respectively.

Postoperative health monitoring chartScore

Percentage of weight loss
 No weight loss0
 Less than 10% weight loss1
 10% to less than 20% weight loss2
 20% or more weight loss3
Mobility score
 Rat moving normally0
 Rat ataxic moving at a normal speed1
 Rat ataxic and moving slowly2
 Rat recumbent3
Grooming score
 No decrease in grooming activity0
 Middle decrease in grooming activity1
 Moderate decrease in grooming activity2
 No grooming activity3
Total score = debilitation score0–9