Research Article

Survival Analysis of Loss to Follow-Up Treatment among Tuberculosis Patients at Jimma University Specialized Hospital, Jimma, Southwest Ethiopia

Table 3

The Cox regression analysis of factors associated with LTFU at, JUSH, Southwest Ethiopia.

VariableOutcomeCOR [95% CI]

Address of the patients
 Urban413 (87.5%)59 (12.5%)0.375 [0.19, 0.73]
 Rural28 (73.7%)10 (26.3%)1
 Male301 (87.8%)42 (12.2%)0.74 [0.46, 1.20]
 Female140 (83.8%)27 (16.2%)1
Smear result
 Negative183 (91.0%)18 (9.0%)1
 Positive133 (84.2%)25 (15.8%) 1.72 [0.942, 3.15]
Types of TB
 S (+) PTB137 (89.5%)16 (10.5%)0.56 [0.30, 1.05]
 S (−) PTB178 (86.8%)27 (13.2%)0.76 [0.44, 1.31]
 EPTB126 (82.9%)26 (17.1%)1
HIV result
 Negative315 (89.0%)39 (11.0%)1
 Positive88 (77.2%)26 (22.8%)2.34 [1.4, 3.84]
 Unknown38 (90.5%)4 (9.5%)0.83 [0.29, 2.31]
 Total441 (86.5%)69 (13.5%)
Weight loss
 No335 (94.4%)19 (5.6%)1
 Yes41 (85.4%)7 (14.6%)2.710 [1.146, 6.509]
 Total376 (93.3%)27 (6.7%)

Key: and shows significant at 5% and 1% probability level respectevelly. COR: crude odds ratio.