Research Article

Comparative Study of Dipteran Species Diversity and Their Succession on Rabbit Carrion in Two Different Mangrove Areas of Peninsular Malaysia

Table 2

Successional patterns of dipteran species in Kuala Terengganu mangrove area.

Diptera speciesDay (PMI)
Decomposition stages

Chrysomya megacephala ****
Chrysomya rufifacies *****
Sarcophaga sp.***
Hydrotaea sp.*****
Musca domestica ##
Homoneura tincta ###
Cestrotus sp.##
Megaselia sp.******
Fannia sp.####

Note: F: Fresh; BL: Bloated; ACD: Active decay stage; ADD: Advanced decay stage; DR: Dry remain.
*: Adult and immature stages present.
#: Only adult individual present.