Journal of Advanced Transportation
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An Optimization Strategy for Truncating Ultralong Bus Lines Integrated with Metro Networks

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Journal of Advanced Transportation publishes theoretical and innovative papers on analysis, design, operations, optimization and planning of multi-modal transport networks, transit & traffic systems, transport technology and traffic safety.

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Impact of Driver Compliance and Aggressiveness in Connected Vehicles on Mixed Traffic Flow Efficiency: A Simulation Study

Connected vehicles (CVs) are becoming increasingly prevalent in today’s transportation systems, and understanding their behavior in mixed traffic flow is crucial for enhancing traffic efficiency and safety. This paper presents a comprehensive study investigating the impact of CV drivers’ compliance and aggressiveness on mixed traffic flow through simulation experiments. The unique contribution of this research lies in the adoption of a clustering method to classify CV drivers’ compliance and aggressiveness based on trajectory data captured by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). This approach allows for the accurate calibration of car-following and lane-changing models, surpassing previous methodologies. The study outlines two primary methods: the intelligent driver model (IDM) with driver compliance (CVs-IDM) and the lane-change 2013 model with drivers’ style. These methods are applied to simulate various scenarios of mixed traffic flow, considering different CV penetration rates and driver types. The pivotal findings reveal that higher CV penetration rates lead to reduced traffic flow disturbance, improved safety, and enhanced efficiency. Specifically, CV drivers exhibiting high compliance and normal aggressiveness demonstrate optimal performance in terms of disturbance reduction, safety, and overall efficiency. This research offers valuable insights for policymakers and practitioners. It recommends increasing the CV penetration rate in mixed traffic flow to enhance overall efficiency. Moreover, selecting the appropriate CV driver type based on the penetration rate can further optimize traffic flow, positively impacting transportation systems and promoting safer and more efficient mixed traffic environments.

Research Article

Accounting for BEV Users’ Risk Attitudes and Charging Inertia in En Route Charging Choice Behavior

This paper innovatively explores BEV (battery electric vehicle) users’ risk attitudes and charging inertia, examining their effects on en route charging and charging route choice behavior. An attitudinal survey was conducted to explore the two latent variables of risk attitudes and charging inertia in relation to socioeconomic and travel-related characteristics. ICLV (Integrated choice and latent variable) models are adopted to estimate the latent variables and the charging choice behavior simultaneously. Specifically, uncertainty in energy consumption is first considered in the ICLV model, which is represented by the available range (AR) uncertainty. Multinomial logit (MNL) models directly incorporating socioeconomic attributes are employed as a reference for comparison with ICLV models. Results illustrate that risk attitudes and charging inertia both play significant roles in modeling en route charging choice behavior. Risk-averse users and users having charging inertia value AR uncertainty more. Battery range, charging frequency, and income emerge as the most crucial factors influencing users’ intention to charge en route. The results show significant heterogeneity of BEV users in attitudes and charging choice behavior, underscoring the importance of accounting for the heterogeneity in en route charging demand estimation and deployment optimization of public charging stations, particularly for medium-to long-distance trips.

Research Article

Metro Train Stopping Scheme Decision Based on Multisource Data in Express-Local Train Mode

The urban rail transit network has gradually realized grid operation with the increase in the coverage rate. Therefore, the stopping schemes in accordance with the trend of the passenger flow are more conducive to improving the attractiveness of the rail transit and improving the sharing rate of the urban public transit. Traditional data from a single source may not be sufficient to describe the overall trend of the passenger flow in a period of time, and the error is possible in the case of insufficient data. Based on the multisource data, the spatial weight function is introduced to fuse the point of interest data and real estate information data, from which one obtains the residential index and office index, and the cluster analysis is conducted to obtain the potential stop scheme. Then, the optimization model of the train operation plan is established, aiming at minimizing the passenger travel time and the generalized system cost, and is constrained by a series of driving conditions. Compared with the single data source, multisource data can better reflect passenger flow trends and land use characteristics. Compared with the traditional all-station stopping scheme, a reasonable setting of crossing stations and running express-local trains can better satisfy the demands of the passenger flow. Finally, the optimization of Changchun rail Transit Line 1 shows that the model can reduce the travel time of passengers and the operating cost of the rail transit company and improve the quality of service, so as to achieve a win-win situation between passengers and the rail transit company.

Research Article

Travel Time Reliability Estimation in Urban Road Networks: Utilization of Statistics Distribution and Tensor Decomposition

The travel time reliability (TTR) is crucial for evaluating the reliability of road networks, but real traffic data is often incomplete and sparse. This study validates that road network TTR conforms to a normal distribution and devises a quantification approach for road network TTR. Two reliability estimation methods are tailored for two data sources: section detectors and mobile detectors. Simulation experiments have confirmed the effectiveness of these methods. The study emphasizes that the TTR estimation method using traffic section data (S-TTR), which is based on the verified normal distribution assumption, maintains average absolute errors below 10%. On the other hand, the TTR estimation method that utilizes sparse trajectory data (T-TTR), which relies on tensor decomposition, proficiently fills in all missing data with an average error of 0.0059.

Research Article

Influence of Expressway Construction Area Information on Drivers’ Route Choice Behaviours

Expressway traffic information is important for guiding driving routes and alleviating traffic congestion. However, the current research on expressway guidance information focuses on existing expressways. In this study, strategies for providing expressway guidance information under reconstruction and expansion scenarios are investigated. Multiple factors of expressway reconstruction and expansion, such as the length of construction areas and the number of lanes occupied by construction areas, are extracted. A panel latent class logit model considering individual heterogeneity is established to fit the survey data collected by 825 respondents. The results show that the proposed panel latent class logit model fits the data best, and the studied drivers could be categorized into three classes, i.e., the information provision time-sensitive class, the information promotion detour class, and the information suppression detour class. The research results can support expressway operators in designing appropriate traffic information provision strategies, providing personalized guidance to drivers, and ensuring the safe operation of expressways in construction areas.

Research Article

Research on Risky Driving Behavior of Young Truck Drivers: Improved Theory of Planned Behavior Based on Risk Perception Factor

In response to the issue of young truck drivers’ weaker perception of potential risks, which makes them more prone to engaging in risky driving behaviors, the direct influence of risk perception on behavior was innovatively considered. An improved theory of planned behavior (TPB) model was developed and a study on risky driving behavior among young truck drivers was conducted. Valid questionnaire data from 330 young truck drivers in China were collected, and the improved TPB model was validated and analyzed through structural equation modeling. The results indicate that the improved TPB model can effectively explain the risky driving behavior among young truck drivers. Specifically, attitudes toward behavior, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have significant positive effects on behavioral intention, while behavioral intention and perceived behavioral control have significant positive effects on behavior. In addition, risk perception has a significant negative effect on behavioral intention and behavior. Furthermore, a comparison with the traditional TPB model reveals that the improved TPB model performs better in terms of fit and explanatory power. Fit indices CMIN/DF, RMSEA, and AGFI were optimized by 16%, 18%, and 1.5%, respectively, and there was a 5% increase in explanatory power for behavior variance, validating the rationality and effectiveness of the improved TPB model. This provides decision support for the development of intervention measures for risky driving behavior among young truck drivers in the future.

Journal of Advanced Transportation
Publishing Collaboration
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Wiley Hindawi logo
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate22%
Submission to final decision126 days
Acceptance to publication18 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.480
Impact Factor2.3
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