Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering

Effective Communication Protocol Analysis and Design for Real-Time Embedded Systems

Publishing date
01 Mar 2023
Submission deadline
28 Oct 2022

1Universidad Politécnica de València, Valencia, Spain

2Botswana International University of Science and Technology, Palapye, Botswana

3Hunan University, Yiyang, China

This issue is now closed for submissions.

Effective Communication Protocol Analysis and Design for Real-Time Embedded Systems

This issue is now closed for submissions.


In recent years, challenges in communication protocol-based analyses are broadly discussed because of their importance in networked systems. The control, fault diagnosis, and filtering issues of networked systems are obtained by the impact caused by communication protocols. The communication-protocol-based analysis problems are carried out concerning the networked systems and the theoretical frameworks. For instance, the design and implementation of virtual communication systems have been considered essential for the improvement of virtual reality. Major attention required for designing a virtual communication system network is to have a proper architecture and effective communication protocol design to implement and realize the data and information transmission in real-time which will be transmitted to the virtual network communication system.

Effective communication protocols are in great demand for compatible communication especially in smart industries because innovative technologies and equipment are evolving drastically, yet the communication service among customers to developers and products to manufacturing groups is still hugely challenging. The task of designing such a system is difficult since efficient analysis, optimization techniques, and the design with cost-effectiveness are required for distributed real-time embedded systems. Thus, research professionals are focusing on the development of new communication protocols with cost-effectiveness and optimized performance since there is an increased number of real-time applications. Evolving IoT communications protocols can more effectively support modern society since smart IoT devices are subjected to risks that can be reduced by the utilization of appropriate protocols. Security and privacy are significantly important to organizations and individuals. Approaching the evolving IoT communication protocols provides perfect protection for data transmission among IoT-connected devices in real-time and embedded systems. A real-time embedded system is a specific form of an embedded system that performs based on real-time computing characterized by a kind of operating system, RTOS. For instance, IoT communications protocols are utilized in real-time embedded systems applications like home appliances, medical devices, monitoring and control sensors in vehicles, and many more for security, reliability, adaptability, scalability, predictability, etc. Every industry needs perfect protocol based on the effective analysis, strategies, and design of communication protocols for the well-being of secure society.

This Special Issue welcomes original research and review articles on effective communication protocol analysis and design for real-time embedded systems.

Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:

  • Modern analysis, design, and implementation of efficient communication protocols
  • Smart optimization of fault diagnosis techniques with distributed systems
  • Applications of various IoT communication protocols for real-time embedded systems
  • Efficient communication protocols for decision-making, cost-effective, time management
  • Challenges in designing real-time embedded IoT devices
  • Evolving new communication protocols for real-world applications
  • Industrial CPSs for predictability and security
  • Modern communication infrastructure with security protocols and assessment
  • Protocols for improved business performance
  • Artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in embedded system designs for better communication
  • Simulation modeling for testing communication protocols, designing telecom equipment, problem-solving, etc.
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate10%
Submission to final decision93 days
Acceptance to publication17 days
Journal Citation Indicator0.480
Impact Factor2.4
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