Research Article

Alleviation of Rheumatoid Arthritis by Inducing IDO Expression with Trichinella spiralis Recombinant Protein 43

Figure 9

Apoptosis of CD4+T cells in spleen. Apoptosis of CD4+T in spleen was determined by staining with antimouse CD4 APC, Annexin V, and PI followed by flow cytometry (a). The total protein of CD4+T cells purified by immunomagnetic bead method was extracted from each group, and the expression of related apoptotic proteins was detected by Western blot and the gray values were analyzed by Image J software (b). All data are presented as the mean ± SD. , , and compared with control group. $, $$, and $$$ compared with PBS group. #, ##, and ### compared with BCII group. & and && compared with BCII + Tsp43 group.