Research Article

Development of Deltamethrin-Laced Attractive Toxic Sugar Bait to Control Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus) Population

Table 1

Deltamethrin susceptibility status of the four strains of Aedes aegypti: laboratory strains (AND-Aedes aegypti and AND-Aedes aegypti-DL10) and wild-caught colonized strains (GVD-Delhi and SHD-Delhi) of Aedes aegypti after 24 h exposure to 0.05% deltamethrin-impregnated papers.

StrainsLT50 (min.)RR LT50 (min.)LT90 (min.)RR LT90 (min.)% Mortality after 24 h

AND-Aedes aegypti4.438.85100
AND-Aedes aegypti-DL104.761.07 (S)9.981.12 (S)100
Aedes aegypti (GVD-Delhi)8.781.98 (S)15.991.80 (S)100
Aedes aegypti (SHD-Delhi)8.381.89 (S)14.911.68 (S)100

LT50 or 90: lethal time for killing 50% or 90% mosquitoes exposed; RR: resistance ratio; S: susceptible, based on the WHO protocol (WHO, 2022).