Research Article

Risk Factors for Symptomatic Pericardial Effusions Posthematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant

Table 3

Pretransplant comparison of cardiac markers.

PCE subjectsControls
NMeanNMeanP value

Number of days after BMT15121
Duration of effusion (days)1598
Hemoglobin (gm/dl)129.3159.90.38
Ejection fraction (%)156515660.44
Shortening fraction (%)153715390.06
LVIDd (cm; z-score)130.9150.40.18
MV E max vel (cm/sec)13107.115110.70.49
MV E/A131.6152.10.21
Mitral E/TDI E′ (septal)128.6128.20.72
Mitral E/TDI E′ (lateral)127.2127.40.80
Apical 4 Ch LV peak avg9−18.0714−18.80.65

t-test comparison, significant. LVIDd, left ventricle end diastolic diameter; MV, mitral valve.