Research Article

circRNA_17725 Promotes Macrophage Polarization towards M2 by Targeting FAM46C to Alleviate Arthritis

Figure 6

circRNA_17725 promoted macrophage polarization towards M2. (a) Flow cytometry: circRNA_17725 promoted CD206+M2 and CD163+M2 cells while inhibited HLA-DR+M1 and CD68+M1 cells polarization (representative pictures). (b) Cell percentages of CD206+M2, CD163+M2, HLA-DR+M1, and CD68+M1 cells determined by flow cytometry (vs. Lv-control: , ; vs. Lv-control: #, ##; ). (c) CD11c mRNA expression was decreased in circRNA_17725-overexpressed Raw264.7 cells (; ). (d) CD206 mRNA expression was increased in circRNA_17725-overexpressed macrophages (; ).