Research Article

Particle Swarm and Bacterial Foraging Inspired Hybrid Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Numerical Function Optimization

Pseudocode 1

(1) Set the source position , produce new solution .
(2) for (as a counter) from 1 to colony size
(3)   = rand() (as a random dimension of source position)
(4)   = rand(1, colonysize) &   (as another random dimension of source position)
(5)  set temp = rand
(6)  for dim (as a counter from 1 to max dimension)
(7)   while
(8)    new solution
(9)    if new fitness value is better than fitness value
(10)    then
(11)    else
(12)    set
(13)   end if
(14)  end while
(15) end for
(16) end for