Research Article

A Multiobjective Model for a Multilevel Blood Supply Chain to Improve the Attractiveness of Blood Centers during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Table 8

The complementary data of the case study.


The cost of setting up local blood center ;
The cost of setting up regional blood center ;
The cost of moving each mobile device from place to place during ;
The cost of transporting each unit of blood product per kilometer per ;
The cost of collecting each unit of blood product from donor group during ;
The cost of production per unit of blood product in regional blood centers in ;
The cost of maintaining each unit of blood product during period ;
Local blood center capacity to collect whole blood () during period
The capacity of mobile facilities to collect blood products during ;
The capacity of regional center to collect and produce blood products obtained by collection method during period ;
The capacity of regional center to store blood products obtained by collection method during period ;
Demand point capacity to store blood products obtained by collection method during period ;
The amount of route between donor group and facility ;
The amount of route between donor group and local center ;
The amount of route between donor group and regional center ;
The amount of route between facility and regional center ;
The amount of route between local center and regional center ;
The amount of route between regional center and demand point ;
Maximum coverage radius of mobile facility to serve donors;
Maximum coverage radius of local center to serve donors;
Maximum coverage radius of regional center to serve donors;
Percentage of blood product production ;
Expiry cost per unit of extra blood product obtained by collection method at the demand point during ;
Hospital demand for blood products obtained by collection method during under scenario ;
Time spent on the blood donation process at blood center ;
Advertising budget in blood center ;
Experience factor in blood center ;
Donor sensitivity to time 0.7
Donor sensitivity to advertising 0.5
Donor sensitivity to experience factor 0.9
Average donation rate under scenario 0.65
The population of the area allocated to blood center From Table 5
The best productivity available in blood center 0.85
Probability of scenario ;
A very large number100
A number from zero to one0, 0.5, 1