Research Article

Combined-Acupoint Electroacupuncture Induces Better Analgesia via Activating the Endocannabinoid System in the Spinal Cord

Figure 4

Both single and combined-acupoint EA activated endogenous opioid system. ELISA assay indicated the release of endorphin (a) and enkephalin (b) in both single and combined-acupoint EA groups increased at day 6 after EA treatment. ELISA assay showed that the expression of MOR (c) and DOR (d) was upregulated significantly in the single and combined groups. (e)–(h) The western blot analysis also confirmed the increased expression of MOR and DOR in both single-acupoint and combined-acupoint EA-treated rats. Student’s unpaired -test. All data are , , , vs. CCI; in each group. CCI: chronic constriction injury; EA: electroacupuncture; MOR: μ-opioid receptor; DOR: δ-opioid receptor.