Research Article

Prevalence, Management, and Impact of Dysmenorrhea on the Lives of Nurse and Midwife Trainees in Northern Ghana

Table 1

Characteristics of respondents.

VariablesFrequency (n = 303)Percent (%)

Age (years)
 Mean ± SD22.61 ± 2.35
Marital status
Have given birth before
Age at first menstruation (years)
Nature of menstrual cycles
Duration of menstruation (days)
Blood flow during menstruation
 Normal bleeding (7–10 pads used)23075.9
 Abundant bleeding (>10 pads used)4514.9
 Reduced bleeding (7 pads used)289.2
Respondents’ history of some gynecological conditions
 Gynecological surgeries51.7
 Genital malformation20.7
 Vaginal candidiasis6822.4
 Urinary tract infections278.9
Respondents’ previous diagnosis
 Polycystic ovary syndrome20.7
 Pelvic inflammatory disease134.3
Previously treated for Chlamydia trachomatis or Neisseria gonorrhoeae
Result of the Papanicolaou test
 Never took this test26687.8
Sexual activity
Contraceptive use
 Oral contraceptives8628.4
 Coitus interruptus258.3
Pain during sexual intercourse
Sexual intercourse during menstruation
Premenstrual syndrome
Regular physical activity
Sleep duration (hours)
Family history of dysmenorrhea

Source: field data (2022).