Research Article

Prevalence, Management, and Impact of Dysmenorrhea on the Lives of Nurse and Midwife Trainees in Northern Ghana

Table 2

Prevalence of dysmenorrhea among nurse and midwife trainees.

VariablesFrequencyPercent (%)

Experiences painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea)
Onset of dysmenorrhea (n = 202)
 From the first period10451.5
 1 year after first menstruation4019.8
 1–3 years after2512.4
 4 years or more3316.3
When does pain start
 First day of menstruation13064.3
 Day before menstruation4321.3
 More than two days before menstruation2914.4
Frequency of pain occurrence
 <35% of menstrual cycles5426.7
 35–70% of menstrual cycles6130.2
 >70% of menstrual cycles188.9
 At each period6934.2
Location of most intense pain
 Pelvis and lower abdomen19898.0
 Lumbar level10.5
Intensity of pain
Experience intense pains during a stressful period
Intensity of pain has reduced since the beginning of sexual life
Duration of pain
 Few hours2914.4
 One hour5225.7
 Two days or more12159.9

Source: field data (2022).