Research Article

The Role of Muscle Strength in the Sit-to-Stand Task in Parkinson’s Disease

Table 2

Multivariate analysis to assess the effect of muscle strength and Parkinsonian variables on the sit-to-stand task.

Variables in the final equationExp B coefficientExp B 95% C.I. value

Model 1
 Strength ≤9 kg4.6161.021–20.8810.047
Model 2
 Strength ≤9 kg3.6021.126–11.5170.031

Model 1: constant: B-7.630, Exp B: 0.001, . Hosmer–Lemeshow: (P = 0.993). Variables not included in the final equation: leg rigidity, leg bradykinesia, freezing, and postural instability. Model 2: constant: B-3.342, Exp B: 0.035, . Hosmer–Lemeshow: (P = 0.709). Variables not included in the final equation: leg tremor and leg rigidity. Cox and Snell R2: 0.173; Nagelkerke R2: 0.270. The same significant variables were obtained in model 2, when introducing sex, age, and time of evolution of Parkinson’s disease as independent variables into the regression model. Method: backward (Wald) for both models.