Research Article

The Role of Muscle Strength in the Sit-to-Stand Task in Parkinson’s Disease

Table 3

Clinical and demographic features between patients with PD and controls.

PD patients with abnormal STS task, n = 20 (%)Healthy controls, n = 52 (%) value

Age at evaluation (years)70.9 ± 8.068.8 ± 8.90.369
Sex (male)11 (55)26 (50)0.704
MDS-UPDRS-III (total score)47.95 ± 13.771.65 ± 3.41<0.001
Weakness and allied sensations
 Affected patients19 (95)11 (21)<0.001
 Severity (0–10)7.35 ± 2.452.00 ± 2.98<0.001
Clinical examination (MRC)
 Right hip flexion4.55 ± 0.514.90 ± 0.300.008
 Right leg extension4.80 ± 0.194.96 ± 0.190.105
 Right foot plantar flexion5.0 ± 0.04.98 ± 0.140.539
 Left hip flexion4.55 ± 0.514.90 ± 0.300.008
 Left leg extension4.70 ± 0.474.96 ± 0.190.025
 Left foot plantar flexion5.0 ± 0.04.98 ± 0.140.539
Quantitative assessments (kg)
 Right hip flexion13.25 ± 2.0414.38 ± 3.090.322
 Left hip flexion12.12 ± 2.8014.13 ± 3.300.108
 Right hip extension10.58 ± 5.2015.87 ± 7.290.006
 Left hip extension9.83 ± 6.2515.67 ± 7.200.003

MDS-UPDRS-III, Movement Disorders Society Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale part III; MRC, Medical Research Council; VAS, visual analog scale.