Research Article

Delivering Optimal Care to People with Cognitive Impairment in Parkinson’s Disease: A Qualitative Study of Patient, Caregiver, and Professional Perspectives

Table 3

Backgrounds of healthcare professional participants.

Professionals (n = 27)
From the southeast of England, the Midlands, and Scotland

6 specialist nurses4 Parkinson’s disease nurse specialists (PDNS)
2 dementia nurse specialists

13 doctors3 neurologists
3 geriatricians
3 psychiatrists
3 general practitioners (GP)
1 palliative care physician

7 Allied health professionals2 clinical psychologists (neurological services)
2 occupational therapist (OT)-1 Parkinson’s services, 1 memory service
2 speech and language therapists (SLT)-neurological services
1 physiotherapist (Parkinson’s service)

1 charity sector1 Parkinson’s UK local adviser

Charity sector role to help PwP, including providing advice and information and supporting access to services.