Research Article

Factors Associated with Postoperative Pain among Patients after Cardiac Surgery in the Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital of Karachi, Pakistan

Table 4

Descriptive Statistics of factors of pain and its management after cardiac surgery (n=136).

n (%)

Socio-demographic factors

Repudiation of pain medication in culture93(68.4)43(31.6)
Age inappropriate to take pain medication frequently84(61.8)52(38.2)
Pain medications are very expensive63(46.3)73(53.7)

Personal Factors

pain medications are inappropriate after cardiac surgery25(18.4)111(81.6)
Pain should not be suppressed Post-operatively67(49.3)69(50.7)
Post-operative pain is inevitable32(23.5)104(76.5)
Easy addiction with opioid analgesics12016(11.8)
Pain medication affects the immune system9937(27.2)
Pain medication affects liver106(77.9)30(22.1)
Pain medication affects muscle tone and daily activity104(76.5)32(23.5)
Pain medication delays my wound healing65(47.8)71(52.2)
Pain medication causes drowsiness90(66.2)46(33.8)
Pain medication decreases libido85(62.5)51(37.5)

Home remedies are better than pain medications75(55.1)61(44.9)
Deep breathing, meditation, and music therapy are better than pain medication113(83.1)23(16.9)

Post-operative factors

Physical activity increases pain10036(26.5)
Activity restriction is good to manage pain111(81.6)25(18.4)

Organizational factors

Adequate pre-operative teaching about post-operative pain and its management86(63.2)50(36.8)
Inadequate policy and standards about post-operative pain and its management31(22.8)105(77.2)
Medication process is time consuming24(17.6)112(82.4)
Nurses’ perception and attitude make patients nervous about taking painkillers33(24.3)103(75.7)
Nurses workload delays pain management59(43.4)77(56.6)
Nurses neglect pain and its management after cardiac surgeries29(21.3)107(78.7)
Nurses are reluctant to give painkillers5581(59.6)
Nurses are ignorant about post-operative pain and its management67(49.3)69(50.7)
Nurses need need more education about pain and its management after cardiac surgery12016(11.8)

Pain Expression and Communication Factors

Feeling difficulty to tell a nurse about pain21(15.4)115(84.6)
Reporting pain repetitively gives an impact of an irritating personality122(89.7)14(10.3)

-value < 0.05